Thursday, March 26, 2009

Promised CAM Quotes 3

Here are a few more Pastor L.A. Joiner quotes from the CAM leadership weekend. Just in case you missed the first couple of installments you can read them here and here.
The final chapter of this quote goodness:
"Kingdom Expansion is propagated by unity...It is hindered by division"

"Get this: God is not in a hurry."

Here's a freebie Pastor L.A. quoting from Young Tillman:
"When I have to rebuke someone or I am wrestling with a difficult situation, I will give it to God or bury it for three days. If God resurrects the the burden or the idea I have confidence it is from Him."
I hope you enjoyed these quotes. The CD's from the weekend are available from CAM for $20. Contact Sylvia Williams at (229) 247-7777.


Rachel said...

The conference was very good wasn't it? It was nice to see you again.

Eddie Taylor said...

Great to see you guys...We miss you!

涼拌小黃瓜Jay said...
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