Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Make the Shift

Shift your thoughts. As a leader, I must consistently make the shift from the natural to the spiritual. From the "now" to the "coming". From the obvious to the invisible.
Anyone can report on the obvious or negative "facts" around them. Leadership finds a path to victory when everyone else is shouting defeat. It takes no faith or creativity to be negative. None. Nada. Zip.
Shift your thoughts. Look for a solution. Walk by faith and not by sight.
I'm thinking of a few examples where this is necessary...do you have one?


Rachel said...

I think there is a balance here. It seems to me that there is much to be gained from the contrarian's insight. Sometimes the negative must be probed in order to lead to a true solution. So I think it's important and perhaps essential to have negative input. It creates a type of friction which can be used to achieve great ends.

Eddie Taylor said...

I think the overwhelming negative environment of our society usually provides more than enough balance. Of course on a leadership team every view should be analyzed. I always appreciate truth tellers on my teams.

Eddie Taylor said...

Second thought...The contrarian can never (or almost never) be the senior leader. If that is the case there will be no followers. Then as John Maxwell has taught us "They are no longer the leader."

Rachel said...

I think society provides gross negativity, not constructive criticism or helpful evaluation of a particular situation that a contrarian provides. And really, few people are either all positive or all negative. Perhaps what we are talking about is perception. Are negative facts necessarily negative? Not always, perhaps they provide the gateway to finding a workable solution to the problem.