Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Destination: UK

Genesis 12:1" The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you."

This sounds great and very spiritual unless you are Abram (later Abraham). I bet that it was embarrassing telling their family and friends they didn't know where God wanted them. You see their house had sold and they need to move in in eleven days. Wait- that's us..not the Abram's. Don't let the title mislead you... we are not going to the United Kingdom. UK for us at least at the moment stands for UNKNOWN. We have felt God's pleasure toward two locations. If you are a christian and read this post then please pray for us to hear clearly and respond boldly and in faith. Oh, the adventure of it all!
Read Beth's post here for more details...


Rachel said...

Happy for you. Let us know when you need help with the move.

MKnight4 said...

Be well brother. I will pray that you both see clearly and are not deceived. I have and will miss you. Thank you for all you have done for me and Cindy.

Eddie Taylor said...

Rachel-thanks for the vote of confidence.Mike-you da man! I believe in you brother! We couldn't be warriors for Christ and not expect a few battles!