Sunday, February 18, 2018

An Awesome Way to Pray - Making it Work!

Making it Work 

The 6-Week prayer journal starts tomorrow.  Here's the link in case you haven't downloaded it yet:

To keep motivated to continue every day, follow these suggestions for your time with God and your prayer team: 
Go to bed on time. 
Pass on the favorite late night TV show and go to bed at a decent hour. You can„t go to bed late and expect to wake up fresh the next morning. You can‟t expect spiritual peace if you‟re a physical wreck. 
Get up in the morning. 
You probably don‟t bounce up out of bed with enthusiastic, “Good Morning, Lord!” Most of us would rather smash the alarm clock with a hammer and go back to sleep. There‟s no magic solution. When the alarm sounds, throw your feet out of the bed, plant them on the floor, and stand up. Don‟t rationalize. Just get up. 
Look to Jesus. 
Don‟t start the day worrying about the bad things that might happen. Let your first conscious thoughts in the morning focus on Jesus Christ. Ask Him how He wants to use you today. 
Don’t give up. 
If you miss your time alone with God one morning or your time with your prayer team, don‟t worry about it and beat yourself up. You wouldn‟t quit eating if you missed a meal! You aren‟t a failure. Just try your best not to miss the next time. 
Be honest. 
If it feels like your time alone with God is empty and worthless, or your prayer team is dead, tell God about it. But don‟t quit. He‟d much rather have your honest complaints than your absence. 
Be consistent. 
Some of your times alone with God, and your prayer times with your team, will be wonderful. Others will just be routine. But the way you feel is not always an accurate indicator of success. Every day that you pray will help you grow stronger, even if you don‟t sense the results right away. 
Use the Journal. 
Write down what you are learning in your time with God and in your prayer team. You‟ll be amazed at how you look back and see how God has worked in your life. 

From An Awesome Way to Pray - Barry St. Clair (page 14) Here's the link in case you haven't downloaded it yet:


Jonathan said...
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Jonathan said...

I’m so excited about starting this. Let’s do it!

Eddie Taylor said...

Yes! Jonathan, I'm glad that you are doing the AWTP Journal with us. Let's believe together that this MOMENT is becoming a MOVEMENT.