Friday, February 23, 2018

Which Risks Will You Take?

Week 1 - Day Five

Life is RISKY. Someone once said that you spell faith: R-I-S-K.  God risked the life of His Son before anyone ever accepted His love. Love is costly.

Everything in life costs you something.  If you say "yes" to one thing, you are most likely saying "no" to something else. I hope you have been praying for several of your friends who are not Christ-followers yet.  It has cost you.  You have had to invest time and concern.  You really do value them.  So eventually, possibly, you might have the opportunity to share your faith journey with them and invite them to follow Jesus.  

It will cost you.  Which is more valuable...your reputation or their eternity?  Again, like we said a couple of days ago - NO PRESSURE.  Our job is to be a friend.  You can be a tremendous friend but you are a terrible savior.

Let's take some time now to pray for our friends.  Let's pray and ask God for a divine moment.  An opportunity to share His love.  Make up your mind and set your will now that you will set into that moment when it arises.  

Joshua 24:15 "...choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve..."

Like the children of Israel, let's choose now to obey BEFORE the opportunity comes.

Have you read anything in your Bible this week that has really spoken to you?  We are becoming a MOVEMENT! I love you all!   

**This post works well with the companion book/prayer guide: 
 An Awesome Way to Pray by Barry St. Clair.  Here's the link to the free resource in case you haven't downloaded it yet:

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