Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Reflection Question

One thought that is haunting me this morning is this: Am I focused on what I am doing or who I am becoming? If there is any core belief to this life-giving gospel it is that Christ empowers to live from the inside out.  It is so easy to slip back into a “gospel by subtraction”. In other words, the “I don’t gospel”…i.e.…I don’t smoke, drink, etc…

For years I tried to add fruit. You know: “act” more loving, kind, joyful, and so forth. In stark contrast, Jesus promises an abundant life that is fruitful. This agricultural metaphor speaks of a life that is growing and becoming. Fruit proceeds from a healthy plant not vice versa.

The Christian life is not about trying harder but allowing the grace of God to produce the fruit of the spirit in and through you. In 2010 I want to be more…like Him, the real me, and that will be an adventure!


koby adams said...

It is difficult to "crucify" the flesh and allow the dead flesh to be used as fertilizer for growth. I long to walk in the "Fruit of the Spirit" in 2010. Even in "traffic"

Eddie Taylor said...

That is so good Koby! I am attempting to partner with Him more. I've never heard a grape vine grunt or see an apple tree strain! My attempts amount to self-righteousness. Partnering with grace is the goal...even in traffic! God help us!!

涼拌小黃瓜Jay said...
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