Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day Weekend

The fertile plains of my mind were musing on must-do activities for the 4th of July weekend. Here's my list:

Go to church. Worship with your family and thank God that you were born an American. Ask God how you can use your freedom to share His love. We worshiped with Destination Church via their web campus.

Eat a hot dog or hamburger. Not from a fast-food should be grilled at someone's home. We are having Beth Taylor's supreme garlic -butter burgers.

Drink a coke or a pepsi. Not the sissy diet or zero versions. Nothing says "I'm an American" like 39 grams of sugar. Even the cans are patriotic.

Watch some fireworks. Traditionally we have viewed the Lake City, FL show over Lake Desoto. This year we are celebrating with thousands of our closest friends at Wild Adventures.

Watch a movie on DVD. We have viewed several this weekend. One of our old standbys that really delivered was Two Weeks Notice.

Play a game as a family. We played Bull Crap. Jonathan dominated once again. I hope he grows out of his "victory dance".

These are my ideas....what are you going to do?

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