Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Being a Friend at All Times

Week One - Day Two

I'm the product of many people.  I'm my parent's son, my grandparent's grandson. My three older siblings were like a second set of parents to me. My younger brother, Kevin was very instrumental in sharing his faith with me.  Ray Owens discipled me and has given me many hours of time. Beth has faithfully pointed me to Christ over the past almost 30 years of our marriage.  My best friend, Rodney Thrift, has faithfully encouraged me to pursue the ministry Christ has given me. God has used a network of people to draw me unto Himself.

All of these people have lived out Proverbs 17:17:
"A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity."

The Apostle Peter was also brought to Christ be a relative. His brother, Andrew, was faithful to bring him to Messiah (John 1:41-42).  We all need friends.  The Scripture is pretty clear, to have a friend,  you must be a friend (Proverbs 18:24).

Here's my takeaway from today: "Am I pointing my friends to Jesus?"

Who has been faithful to witness to you and point you to Christ?

Who are those friends and acquaintances with whom you can share your life? 

Word Wealth

Acts 8:34-35 NLT  The eunuch asked Philip, "Tell me, was the prophet talking about himself or someone else?"  (35)  So beginning with this same Scripture, Philip told him the Good News about Jesus.

Talk with your prayer partners about the circumstances that brought you to Christ. Thank God for all those who played a part in your becoming a Christian. 

**This post works well with the companion book/prayer guide: 
 An Awesome Way to Pray by Barry St. Clair.  Here's the link to the free resource in case you haven't downloaded it yet: https://goo.gl/GdevSj

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