Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Pressure’s Off

Week One - Day Three

So you have been handed the baton, the pressure is on. Right? No, we might be tremendous friends, sons or daughters, neighbors or fellow-employees but we are terrible saviors.
Relax, the pressure is off of you.  All you can do is be you.  Remember what Pastor Beth Taylor said during the Friday night message of Winter Retreat '18, "all of the doing flows from all the knowing".
Jesus did all of the heavy-lifting when it comes to knowing God.  He is eternal, sinless, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing and He paid the price for humanities sin.  He promised us the Holy Spirit and He is the living Word of God.  
What is my part? Again, Pastor Beth gave us three keys on Friday night:

  1. Talk to Him (prayer)
  2. Listen to Him (read the Word/meditation)
  3. Be with Him (worship) 
Are you living from struggling or snuggling?Are you striving or thriving?Are you wrestling or nestling?

You can finish strong.  Living under His leadership will produce the life that everyone really wants to live.

Romans 14:17 NLT  For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Barry gave us this great Tozer quote to motivate us:

"Today, this moment, He [God] feels toward His creatures, toward babies, toward the sick, the fallen, the sinful, exactly as He did when He sent His only-begotten Son into the world to die for mankind." -- A. W. Tozer 

Here's the takeaway: Salvation is not your responsibility, faithfulness is.

I am praying for you today.

**This post works well with the companion book/prayer guide: 
 An Awesome Way to Pray by Barry St. Clair.  Here's the link to the free resource in case you haven't downloaded it yet:

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