Monday, February 19, 2018

Something Bigger

Week 1 - Day 1

It's over. Winter Retreat 2018 is finished.  ON PURPOSE.  But does it have to end? Maybe your suitcase is still full of dirty clothes.  It is time to unpack.  In the same way, it is time to up pack the weekend.  What did God say to you?  How can this MOMENT become a MOVEMENT?

Here's a key thought I'm taking away from today's prayer journal entry: 
Let the public touch become a private reality.

What happened at Winter Retreat was real.  Really real.  You did sense God's love and acceptance.  You can now cultivate that reality privately.  Yep. Just you and God. Here's how: Remember - Record -Rehearse.
  • Remember - Take a few moments to remember your favorite moments from the weekend.  A moment where you sensed the power; the presence of Jesus.
  • Record - Write those in your journal or list them in your notes on your phone.
  • Rehearse - Later today, share a moment with someone else who needs to be encouraged. Your weekend wasn't just for you alone but to impact the world around you.
As you celebrate and share what God has said and done in you, those truths will continue to live through you.  The time is NOW.

You know the saying, 'Four months between planting and harvest.' But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest.  (John 4:35 NLT)

Until tomorrow.

**This post works well with the companion book/prayer guide:  An Awesome Way to Pray by Barry St. Clair.  Here's the link to the free resource in case you haven't downloaded it yet:


Jonathan said...

I had got the pleasure of sharing this with my Uncle and his family this morning. Thank you so much for the link!

Eddie Taylor said...

Incredible! I hope this simple devotional helps us relaunch a discipleship movement.

God wants to give us (you) the Nations!